
QUAD Systems

QUAD’s magnets are designed in collaboration with our global network of specialist partners. We’re looking at updating our magnets alongside our systems, so you can get the most cost-effective solution for your research.

We work closely with you to develop bespoke solutions, so you get the optimum system for your individual application.

What is a magnet and why is it needed in NMR?

For those of you who don’t already know, within the NMR spectrometer, the magnet is necessary to probe the intrinsic spin properties of nuclei.

A magnet generates a strong corresponding magnetic field around the sample. The user then employs the console to create the radio frequency (rf) signal to excite the sample and will receive the signals generated for evaluation.

Historically, low-temperature superconducting (LTS) magnets with Niobium-Titanium (NbTi) coils in the 1960s led to a stronger magnetic field compared with powered iron magnets from 100 MHz to ~200 MHz. These LTS magnets continued to advance to 500 MHz in 1979. With the introduction of niobium-tin alloy (Nb3Sn) LTS coils, NMR experienced yet another advancement in magnetic field strengths: from 600 MHz (1987) to 800 MHz (1995).

In 2000, additional sub-cooling of the coil from liquid helium temperature resulted in the first 900 MHz magnets in 2000. The first 1GHz (1000 MHz) magnet was produced in 2010. Additionally, there’s been a steep increase in cost, which makes it harder for scientists and researchers to access magnets with stronger magnetic field strengths.

Selecting a magnet for your experiment

We understand that costs are an important factor, and before deciding on what type of magnet to choose for your experiment and QUAD offers advice on the best configuration that will suit your experiments. Our demo labs will be open soon, so you can try and test our systems and discuss your needs with us before making an informed decision.

Why we’re expanding our magnets

We’re breaking down barriers in NMR and facilitating research. One barrier researchers face is cost, and in order to help you break down this barrier, we offer cost-effective solutions and guaranteed deliverables to meet your individual specifications.

Whatever complex technical problems you may have, we offer incisive solutions to match your individual needs, and we’re always open to discuss your specifications. It’s important the magnet you buy is working at optimal efficiency, so you can gather the most accurate data during your research.

What barriers are you facing in your field? We want to listen and advocate for all our customers and the wider NMR community to inform the development of our magnets and other components.

For more information on our magnets or any of our other systems, get in touch.

To keep up to date on NMR and our work to support the community, follow us on social media.

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QUAD works closely with you to develop bespoke solutions, so you get the optimum system for your individual application.