
QUAD Systems


QUAD SYSTEMS AG is always seeking to widen access to careers in NMR at all levels. As part of this program, QUAD is working with the American Physical Society (APS) and the American Chemical Society (ACS) to offer an internship to train in both magnet engineering as well as learn Read more…

Product Focus

It’s crucial that your equipment is performing at its best to maximise sensitivity for accurate results. Our sample changers and automation systems can be customised to meet the unique needs of each client and the magnet types they use. They provide the maximum efficiency in NMR research when used in Read more…


NMR Spectroscopy has recently been used to guide the evolution of enzymes! Spectroscopy can be used for various types of research. It can be extremely helpful in assisting researchers to reveal magnetic hotspots without any additional information. Read more here: https://www.chemistryworld.com/news/nmr-spectroscopy-used-to-guide-evolution-of-better-enzymes/4016435.article #NMRSpectroscopy #Biotech #QUADSystems

About QUAD

At QUAD, we collaborate with subject-matter specialists across different sectors to create distinctive components that tackle your technological issues and provide enlightening answers. Our RF electronics, automation designs, magnets, and probe technologies can all be customised to meet your unique requirements. Overcome any obstacles preventing you from conducting your research, Read more…